Little joys that warm the heart

Sophie and I have been co-owners of La Méduse for several years. We bought the company that my father had founded himself in 1985, the year I was born.
We realize, with the people who stop by the Îles de la Madeleine boutique, that many have known La Méduse for several years. These are visitors to the archipelago who return on vacation regularly. That's nice to look at. They are sometimes pioneer visitors to the Islands, or people who knew my father directly or indirectly through his work as a glassmaker since 1985.
It is certain that we cannot know where the link that unites each of our customers/visitors to the company comes from (even if we would like to). But sometimes, like a little gift, we receive an email from someone who shares their bond with us and it makes us so happy that we decided to share Marie-Hélène's story with you (and with his permission):
“I did a sailing camp at the Istorlet Nautical Center (on the Islands) when I was 10 years old, in 1986. We lived with a host family. My family was that of the sheriff of Havre Aubert whose name I have forgotten. At the camp there was also the or one of the sons of the Sand Artisans. That's basically what I remember!
But my most beautiful memory is my little cat Zoune... While visiting your workshop one afternoon in August 1986, there were little kittens walking everywhere. One of them came to lie down on my sandals. I missed my parents so much that I started crying. The person in charge asked me if I wanted to bring it with me, and I said yes. I had this cat until 2002. We called her Zoune. That's the name my grandfather gave to all her cats, so we kept the tradition. The people I was staying with had made a little box so I could take it back on the plane with me. What a memory when I arrived at the airport with this little ball of fur. »
She was writing to us because she had just ordered a gift for her parents' 50th wedding anniversary, to remind them of this beautiful family history linked to our business because of Zoune! We were moved when we read this.
Thank you Marie-Hélène!